Hello Everyone!
Long time no see! But that’s because we’ve been working hard on some new stuff, changes to our website and our courses and their new forms.Lately, however, all the discussions revolve around the pandemic and its influence on the surrounding reality. And since it undeniably influenced also our education systems, we’d like to share with you some conclusions of our talks with Artur Meyster from careerkarma.co on technology’s impact on the US education system in the following article. Enjoy!
How Tech Is Improving The Education Industry
Technology is rapidly changing and disrupting industries, and education is no exception. The education industry uses technology to bring life-changing education to more students and give learners the ability to learn anywhere in the world. Technology is bringing big and small changes that are changing the entire landscape of the education industry while also giving teachers more tools to increase the impact they have on their students.
Technology is now integral to the learning process. Students and teachers rely on tech for more than projecting videos and typing papers—it’s streamlining communication, increasing engagement, and helping students learn outside of the classroom.
Increased Gamification Improves Student Engagement
Learning isn’t always a sexy endeavor since most of it is listening to a teacher rattle off facts or read instructions. Any change to make learning more engaging is welcoming to both students and teachers. Turing learning into a game is one way to increase engagement, and technology is making gamification easier.
It’s no secret that competition is a great way to build students’ buy into learning. Technology gives teachers more opportunities to gamify learning activities. Teachers don’t have to spend hours creating Jeopardy! review games or copying bingo cards when they want to review before a test since they can copy-paste or import their lessons into Kahoot! or other gamified websites to instantly display questions in a new format.
Online tools reduce the logistics a teacher needs to explain since technology takes care of scoring and checking answers. Gamification has uses outside of the classroom as well. Professional development seminars and company-wide initiatives can use gamification to increase engagement from employees.
Gamification Isn’t Only for Teachers
Students can use gamification to increase their understanding of a topic or study phenomena in new ways. Community colleges are using gamification to get students to experience all the features of college campuses. By setting rewards for completing various scholastics activities like attending a study group, going to the library, or seeing a guest speaker, schools are increasing the involvement of their students.
Students get the rewards of the game but also get a richer educational experience. These initiatives, often through apps, increase the engagement of associate’s degree students who don’t know all of the tools a campus has to offer.
Online Resources Help Students at All Levels
People are equally as likely to search YouTube for makeup tutorials as they are for help on their advanced calculus homework. Students no longer need to attend office hours or waste time searching for relevant books to get the help they need with homework assignments; the answers they seek are only a few keystrokes away.
The educational content on the Internet gives experts a greater reach than ever before. Students pursuing their master’s degrees can see applications of complicated algorithms or read up-to-date information from knowledgeable professors the moment it’s published. Online resources range from quick overviews to free, in-depth multi-tiered online courses from Ivy League schools.
Technology Should Be Taught More in Schools
Too many subjects students learn in school don’t have an immediacy that can quickly engage students. Math is a necessary building block for developing life skills. Still, students constantly berated the subject as absurd when variables and exponents are introduced after mastering the basic operations. History feels too far away, and Shakespeare makes as much sense as talking in emojis. On the other hand, technology immediately impacts the lives of every student. When they aren’t using it for social media or gaming with their friends, they are using it to understand Shakespeare and calculus problems.
Technology isn’t a class that students strive to take while in high schools like AP Bio or AP Lit. Surprisingly, there are few country-wide requirements for computer science classes in order to graduate high school. It’s baffling to think that not a single state in the US mandates even one computer science class to receive a high school diploma. The top colleges and universities don’t even have computer science classes that are part of the general education curriculum.
Tech is the most relevant part of any student’s life, and they should learn about it. Students should dissect basic web pages to determine their inner workings, just like they would dissect a frog to see living beings’ basic anatomy. Students shouldn’t have to learn coding languages of their own volition or wait until they decide to earn a bachelor’s degree in computer science.
Technology Will Continue to Improve Education at All Levels
The education industry, which is traditionally resistant to change, is slowly incorporating technology to build upon its current strengths. As educators and students become more familiar with technology’s role in the education process, they will find new ways to innovate the education process.